Whether you like it or not, the cacophony of sounds is part of daily life in Egypt.

From the constant hooters blowing, bikes and cars racing up and down, celebrations that don’t keep time at all, Egyptian and western music blasting, junk collectors, vegetable sellers, fish sellers, gas sellers and a variety of other vendors shouting out, to the preacher who calls to prayer and on a Friday preaches for an hour (all over a loud speaker system aimed to the outside of the mosque not just kept inside) – all of this intermingles with everyday life.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s bearable.  It has to be.

But and there is always a but, good grief – can’t they take singing lessons or at the very least if they insist on singing, tone down the volume. They certainly can’t keep a note and the music system makes it worse. 

The preaching is irritating but I can tune it out – mostly it sounds like a dressing down aimed at naughty children.

I am all for religion.  Humanity needs a moral base.  I am all for free choice as well. 

Here though, there is no free choice.  Here it is based on the “cram it down your throat” choice. 

Thank goodness our brains are so powerful that even the sounds we find unacceptable can be tuned out but just in case your mind is letting you down, TURN UP THE TV OR YOUR MUSIC.  Drown it out – it helps!