There is a new game in town.  It is called Blame it on the hormones.  Entirely developed by yours truly, well maybe not just by me but I would say at least 90% of it.  Some of the rules are written by my better half, certainly all the defense strategies we can lay at his feet. 

What do you need to play this widely popular game already being played by millions?

1)      A hormonal  woman

2)      Even better if she is going through menopause

3)      A better or worse half

4)      A foreign country as residence added to the mix – even more spectacular

How is the game played?

1)      Too many scenarios to discuss here


1)      There are a few rules but generally anything goes

2)      Don’t get personal

3)      Avoid history

4)      Always keep respecting each other

How is the winner determined?

1)      He/she who laughs first wins.  At some point one of the two players has to realize how totally ridiculous the whole episode is and laugh.

Available in all households worldwide and the cost is minimal, that is IF YOU CAN LAUGH AT YOURSELF and see how silly you are when you are hormonal.

Laugh long and hard and remember to tell the other player how much you love them.

Seriously though, being an expat takes guts.  Being a married expat takes even more guts.  The stresses on your marriage are enormous and if you don’t have a sense of humor, your world could fall apart.

Your spouse or partner should be your best friend.  Pay attention to each other’s frustrations, emotional and physical.  (I am sure I don’t have to elaborate here).  Be kind to one another, be gentle.  Women – respect your husband and love him in spite of everything.  Husbands, love your wives, be patient with her.  Together you can make it, together you can play the game and together you can win.

As my better half always says:  “Egypt is not for sissies!